Asbestos Waste Shipment Record Management System

The Harvard Asbestos Waste Shipment Record (AWSR) management system is a web-based platform to help manage asbestos waste generated from Harvard construction, demolition, or renovation projects. The system also tracks regulatory compliance dates and ensures all asbestos waste is disposed of at Harvard-approved disposal sites in an appropriate manner and timeframe. Federal and Massachusetts regulations require information on AWSRs to be complete and accurate.

To help manage asbestos waste and meet regulatory requirements, contractors must:

  • Receive pre-qualification to perform any asbestos abatement work.
  • Follow the Harvard AWSR standard for all asbestos waste generated from Harvard construction, demolition, or renovation projects.
  • Attend a training session to familiarize themselves with the Harvard AWSR management system.

For more information, contact EH&S.

Using the AWSR Management System

To access the AWSR management system, you need a user ID and a password.

Effective April 1, 2024, Harvard is transitioning to a new AWSR management system. Asbestos abatement contractors will be migrated to the new system in a phased approach between April and May 2024.

AWSR System When to Use
AWSR Tracking System Before onboarding to the new AWSR management system.
AWSR Management System After onboarding to the new AWSR management system.