The online Assessment and Inspection Management System (AIMS) lets EH&S professionals and their partners seamlessly manage all aspects of safety-related inspections across Harvard.
Use your HarvardKey to login to AIMS. Contact HUIT for help.
AIMS is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge browsers. Contact lab_safety@harvard.edu for technical support.
Login to AIMSLab Personal Protective Equipment Assessments
Lab representatives can use AIMS to conduct personal protective equipment (PPE) self-assessments of activities conducted in their whole lab group, specific rooms, specific processes, or other segments of lab operations.
Lab representatives can identify other PPE required by labs, departments, or schools beyond basic Harvard-wide AIMS specifications. Principal Investigators (PI) and Core Facility Managers can approve assessments in AIMS or offline by signing a printed assessment.
PIs, Core Managers, or designees must review and update lab PPE assessments at least annually or when significant changes in processes or material uses happen in their labs. Learn more about the Harvard Lab PPE Policy.
You can instantly generate inspection results and reports from targeted electronic checklists. Corrective action and inspection report access are automatically sent to designated personnel and are always accessible online.
Corrective actions are managed online and reports are updated in real time. Area managers can review corrective action statuses at any time to ensure timely completion.
If you have questions, contact EH&S Lab Safety.