Safety Data Sheets & Chemical Information Resources

ChemWatch SDS Database

Use the ChemWatch SDS Database for lab, building trade, and custodial chemicals.

ChemWatch includes vendor and manufacturer or Gold safety data sheets (SDS) (about 100,000 vetted and aggregated documents in different languages). You can narrow the fully searchable database's search scope to your own database (saved in your room/lab/area folder).

Use your HarvardKey to access ChemWatch subscription services.

ECHA Information on Chemicals

ECHA Information on Chemicals includes hazardous substance infocards with brief profiles that summarize and harmonize numerous manufacturers' SDSs compiled by the ECHA.

GESTIS International Limit Values

GESTIS International Limit Values summarizes the occupational exposure limits set by regulatory and non-regulatory organizations in different countries.

GESTIS Substance Database

The GESTIS Substance Database provides safety summaries for hazardous substances compiled by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance.


PubChem Lab Chemical Safety Summaries (LSCC) are lab focused chemical hazard summaries.

Enter the chemical in the search field, select your choice from the results list, and select Lab Chemical Safety Sheet.