Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard (CFATS)
Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard (CFATS)

The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) prevent intentional misuse of specific chemicals of interest (COI) through theft, sabotage, or attack.
Labs and some non-lab facilities must estimate COI-listed chemical types and quantities (the COI list varies for labs and non-labs).
You must submit a Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) top-screen questionnaire to the DHS if your COIs exceed their specific screening threshold quantities within each facility (school or building). Some such facilities must also develop site security plans, implement trainings, and maintain comprehensive records.
Use CFATS Chemicals of Interest for Laboratories to identify COIs in your lab’s chemical inventory. Contact us with questions about permissible thresholds or your lab or facility.
Department Contact
Mary Corrigan